February 5, 2010

Your Lists!

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , , , , , at 6:59 pm by Gina Mussio


First, let me say THANK YOU for sharing your lists with me, for the encouragement and also for such a personal glimpse into your minds! I can’t explain how much joy this brought me! Reading over the comments there were DEFINITELY some themes (many themes actually.) The ones I tallied the most of though went something like this (highly paraphrased of course):

Surround yourself with positive people then always, always, ALWAYS appreciate those special people. Your amazing friends and family members, they are more valuable than you can imagine. Make sure you keep in touch with these people no matter how far and make sure to let them know how much they mean to you from time to time.

Find something you love and go for it! Follow your passion and HAVE passion- it is more essential to your day to day life than first meets the eye.

Get your feelings out rather than bottling them in. It is better to express yourself- whether that is through writing, drawing, singing, dancing, talking, laughing, or smiling. Never forget to smile and to LOVE YOURSELF!

And lastly, as much as all of us teenagers don’t show it, the number one most common response was to love your Family- particularly your mother. To say thank you, appreciate them, listen to them, work to spend time with them instead of doing everything you can to leave. Don’t take your family for granted- life is short.

These responses were all amazing, but something I got even greater joy out of was the feeling of community the responses gave me- even through the internet. Amanda quoting Regina, people reading other peoples lists and borrowing aspects of it, compliments given (thanks Allie!) and even more exciting, Patricia V. Davis actually commented!! Thats right, the author of the original list, founder and editor-in-chief of Harlots Sauce Radio and e-magazine, author of multiple poems on women’s issues and keeper of a bossy blog COMMENTED THIS BLOG!!! We’re practically famous! haha It’s because I am a woman! 🙂

Thank you all!
~Gina Marie


  1. Julie Mussio said,

    Gina great summary- loved the part about loving your mother.Love always, Mom

  2. jensen said,

    gina, i love you.

  3. I cannot wait to help you out with the blog in the spring if all works out. I love you x a million & don’t forget…we’re the three best friends that anyone could have (repeat forever)

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